How to Care For Air Plants
Air plants, also called Tillandsia, come in many shapes, sizes, and varieties. However, they all share a similar feature: Air plants don't need soil to grow. They get all their nourishment from the air and use roots only to attach to a surface. For that reason, you can place air plants on nearly any stable spot in your space or nestle them in a terrarium. Note that bathrooms or kitchens are preferable locations as air plants tend to enjoy warm, humid conditions. Their typical appearance features strap-like leaves arranged in a rosette shape, with fresh growth emerging from the plant's centre. Some say air plants resemble alien lifeforms or deep sea creatures like octopi.
Air Plant Light Needs
In nature, many air plants grow sheltered beneath forest canopies and on bigger plants such as trees because they're epiphytes. They do best in bright, sometimes medium, indirect light in west or east-facing windows. Don't keep air plants in direct sunlight, as it can scorch their sensitive leaves.
How Often to Water Air Plants
Air plants aren't like typical houseplants, so hydrating them requires a special process. Twice per week, fill a sink or vessel with clean water and soak them for about 20 to 60 minutes, though the time will vary depending on the kind of air plant you have. Dry them thoroughly. Some varieties may do better with misting or a short rinse as opposed to a long soak. Soft, soggy stems mean you're giving your air plant too much water, while dry, curled stems indicate the opposite. Note that the general humidity in your space will impact water needs.
Bring some green into your home now!
Follow these guidelines and watch your plants thrive and become cherished living decor in your home. Their vibrant colour, freshness, and vitality provide daily health and well-being benefits that will make you feel like you are living in a garden paradise.